Chris Brown Short Energous (WATT): Kase Learning Conference ~ market folly

Monday, June 4, 2018

Chris Brown Short Energous (WATT): Kase Learning Conference

We're posting up a series of presentations from the recent Kase Learning Short Selling Conference.  Next up is Chris Brown of Aristides Capital who pitched short Energous (WATT).

Chris Brown's Presentation: Short Energous (WATT)

- Company's stock skyrocketed late last year on FCC approval news.  Says CEO pretty much always lies. 

- Energous has an agreement with Apple

- Company seeking to do RF or wireless charging at a distance: claims to create pockets of energy around your device to charge it. The physics behind it isn't new and technology isn't new.  The science behind it is explained in the video below but basically what they're trying to do isn't practical and is extremely exagerrated

- Lots of insider sales recently

-  Marketing is touting 'vaporware' and doing a good job of hyping things.  He thinks the company is a zero and a fraud.

Embedded below is the video of Chris Brown's presentation:

Be sure to check out the rest of the presentations from the Kase Learning Short Selling Conference.

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