Hedge Fund Compliance & Regulation Podcast ~ market folly

Friday, September 25, 2009

Hedge Fund Compliance & Regulation Podcast

Hedge fund compliance is a growing topic these days and we've stumbled upon an interesting informational podcast for those interested. Kelly Moll, a partner at Schulte, Roth and Zabel, specializes in advising on registration and compliance issues. She has teamed up with IntraLinks to create a podcast series on the subject. Their first installment just became available and we've embedded the transcript below. The first episode is entitled, "What you need to know about U.S. and EU proposed legislation: New regulation requirements and assessing systemic risk."

Given all the recent scandals and ponzi schemes, further hedge fund regulation seems inevitable. Various proposals in both the United States and European Union address various requirements for fund manager communication to regulators, counterparties, and investors. Establishing transparency between hedge funds and their investors is key given that trust is essential in this relationship now more than ever due to all the fraudulent schemes that have surfaced. The podcast below helps to breakdown the proposed regulations and how a hedge fund firm can prepare for these possible new requirements.

You can listen to the podcast here or download the .pdf transcript here.

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