UBS is either still behind the times or they have finally started creating earnings models that are at least somewhat accurate. Only reason I point this out is because they have raised price targets on Potash (POT) and Agrium (AGU) yet again. Just last month, UBS raised its price target on Potash from $250 to $285. Then, today (not even a month later), they are out raising their price target on Potash from $285 to $320.
Additionally, a month ago UBS raised the target on Agrium (AGU). They raised its price target on the stock from $95 to $118. And, not even a month later, they are out boosting price targets today on the name again, this time from $118 to $130.
So, in 2 months time, UBS has raised POT's price target from $250 to $320 and AGU's price target from $95 to $130.
Clearly, some people (analysts, ahem) have been underestimating the true pricing power the fertilizer names have. Very limited supply + very strong demand = fertilizer company pricing power. Its really a simple concept, yet analysts and investment firms are just now latching on to the true potential these producers have. The prices simply keep going up because there is huge demand for it worldwide. Not to mention, an already limited supply becomes that more valuable because new supply cannot be brought to market for years (2012-2015) due to how long it takes to bring a new potash mine online.
Combine all of the above with the fact that these fertilizer companies are now selling potash to Asian buyers at a spot price of $1000 per tonne and you've got a huge recipe for success. Even with a slumping American economy and an overall bear market, there are bright spots to be found. Use any weakness in these names to add (or establish) your position.
This is the definition of secular growth.
Friday, July 18, 2008
Keep an Eye Out For S&P 1275
Should be the first real test of this 'rally' (if we can even get up that high). I will be looking to re-enter short positions at that level and then subsequently will stop out if we continue to march higher. 1275 was past support and is now future resistance.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Long Volatility
Long Illumina (ILMN)
Yesterday on twitter, I "tweeted" that I was most likely going to get long Illumina (ILMN), and that's exactly what I did. If you haven't noticed, there's been a big rotation into healthcare/biotech/biosci companies as of late. I already have exposure to this somewhat through Gilead (GILD), Biiogen (BIIB), and Thermo Fisher (TMO). But, the positions are smaller relative to my overall portfolio. So, I wanted to increase my exposure there while still maintaining diversification in the various health/bio sectors. In this market, you play what's working. Taken from Google Finance,
"Illumina, Inc. develops, manufactures and markets integrated systems for the analysis of genetic variation and biological function. Using its technologies, the Company provides a line of products and services that serve the sequencing, genotyping and gene expression markets. The Company’s customers include genomic research centers, pharmaceutical companies, academic institutions, clinical research organizations and biotechnology companies. Its tools provide researchers with the capability to perform genetic tests needed to extract medical information from advances in genomics and proteomics."
Straight up, ILMN scares me. I'm not kidding. Its valuation is ridiculous and borderline insane. It has a trailing PE of nearly 160 and a forward PE of 41. But, this name continues to cruise higher and has had me interested for a while. So, we finally got a pullback to support and I pulled the trigger. I am keeping a very tight stop on this name for fear that it could have its head chopped off at any minute due to its sky high valuation.
As you can see from the chart above, ILMN has pulled back from $90 to around $82 or so in an orderly fashion. That 82 level has served as a nice little area of support recently so I figured to start my buying here. The main level of support I'm concerned with though is below that at $80. As you can see, ILMN bumped up against 80 from April til early June as that area was extreme resistance. Now that ILMN has blown past that resistance, I am ultimately looking for the re-test of this area as it now should be support. At that level I will add handsomely to my position. The $80 level is also key simply because it is also right below the 50 day moving average and serves as my stop loss. If it cannot hold this big area of support, it is going lower and I want out fast. Again, the valuation scares me and it could come crashing down with no explanation. I want in this name for fundamental reasons (not valuation though!) because the company is really progressing and gaining a lot of attention/support. But, in this increasingly volatile market, you've got to really make sure you're focusing on risk management. Managing your risk/reward is half the game in this whacky market. The chart has presented me with a clear exit plan and I'm comfortable getting into this name because the price action is pretty crisp and I've got a clear gameplan to manage my risk.
So, I'm in with my initial position at $83.xx and a big order around $80 and a very tight stop below that at $79. This is not a trade, it is an investment. It simply looks like a trade due to the very tight stop I have on it due to lofty valuations and a volatile market. People who are just buying and holding in this market are most likely getting slaughtered. You've got to adapt and maneuver around positions to ensure you're at the very least preserving capital, if not growing it.
Long ILMN.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Stop Losses
I want to point out 3 charts that I've monitored/been monitoring. Each chart points out a separate staple of technical analysis. Yet, at the same time, they all illustrate the use of a stop loss and how you can identify where to place your stop on your holdings.
1.) Support/Resistance. These are areas on the chart that you can visibly see a stock either having trouble breaking through at, or finding support at. These are visual representations of the price action in the underlying stock. In this specific example, I want to focus on how you can use support/resistance to your advantage in terms of either placing stop losses or price targets. In this case, US Bank (USB) was considered to be a conservative bank. But, since they are still a bank, they are still a good house in a bad neighborhood. The dividend is nice and all, but the chart gave me a clear signal after it could not find support at a level of past support. I thus placed my stoploss right below this area of support. So, if the support failed to hold, I knew the stock would be headed lower and I would need to get out. And, that's exactly how it played out. On the chart, you can see a strong area of past support around $28. So, I placed my stop below that and got stopped out accordingly once it broke down past support. This stop loss saved me from the ensuing 25% drop USB experienced. This is the perfect example as to why you should have a stoploss on all your holdings. (Oh, and for those curious, I was only in USB to begin with because I was employing a buy-write strategy. They have a solid dividend, so I was pocketing the dividend (5%+) and then writing covered calls on the name every month to pocket more money since the stock essentially traded sideways for a long time).

Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Odds & Ends
I've got a couple random/unrelated topics to cover so I just decided to mash them all up into one post.
1. Capitulation. Everyone and their dog is looking for it, and frankly, that makes me think we won't get it for some time. If everyone is waiting for everyone else to panic and sell, then who is actually going to be selling? It used to be that not many people paid attention to the Volatility Index (aka the VIX), but as the year has gone by, you see more and more people referencing it. It now appears that literally everyone is watching it. And, apparently there is a disconnect between the VIX and this market tumble (more on that later). At any rate, the VIX did spike on this morning's sour open. It spiked to 31 but then quickly retreated back down, laying down a nasty inverted hammer on the chart. We'll see how the rest of the day/week plays out.
2. Mosaic (MOS) has sold its nitrogen business (Saskferco) to Yara International for $1.6 Billion (courtesy of Bloomberg here). I suggested in one of my previous posts that MOS was essentially 'top-ticking' or selling the top in the nitrogen trade, as they wanted to focus more on potash and phosphate. Although the stock is down on the news, this is a very buyable dip, as it will further their bottom line down the road. Nitrogen, although a strong part of their business, is not seeing the ideal pricing power conditions as their potash segment is. Again, my thesis on these fertilizer plays all along has been to play them due to their potash exposure; nitrogen and phosphate were only added bonuses. The potash segment has very limited supply and strong demand worldwide. And, add in the fact that new supply cannot be brought to market for years, and you've got the ideal combination for $$$.
3. Google (GOOG). On the chart, many of you know that this thing has a nasty gap to fill all the way down around $480. Yesterday, GOOG broke down past $520 and gave me the signal to short. However, they do have earnings coming up and that could obviously be a catalyst in either direction. So, for the mean time, instead of straight up shorting GOOG, I've put an option strangle to work. (If you're unfamiliar with a strangle, it's essentially an options position that makes money only if the underlying stock makes a big move in either direction. You can read more about it via Investopedia here). I was going to play a straddle on this name, but GOOG options are ridiculously expensive and so even playing a strangle (typically cheaper since you're using out of the money options) is still expensive. So, yesterday, I entered into the strangle of GOOG 480 Puts and 560 Calls. Obviously, with GOOG trading down again today, the put side of the trade is making money, while the call side is not. If GOOG continues to trend downward, I may just take profits before earnings altogether. But, we'll just have to see how that plays out. I had drawn up this chart last week and intended to post it as a short, but I completely forgot. This first chart is the GOOG chart I drew last week. The second chart will show where GOOG sits currently. Since marking on that first chart, GOOG has fallen from $560 to $505, a pretty strong move to the downside. Here's the chart I drew a little while back.

4. The trend (is still) your friend. Seeing as how that phrase was the Quote of the Week for this week, I found it very appropriate to post yet another great up-trending chart in this shitty market. Central European Distribution Company (CEDC) came up while I was researching new plays in Central Europe/Eastern Europe/Russia. Taken from Google Finance:
"Central European Distribution Corporation (CEDC) is an integrated spirit beverages business. The Company produces vodka at two distilleries in Poland and is a distributor of alcoholic beverages. The Company is also an importer of spirits, wine and beer in Poland. Its products are also exported out of Poland. CEDC offers a portfolio of alcoholic beverages with over 700 brands."I'll be doing more research on this name, but you simply cannot ignore a great chart. Pull up any time frame: 1 month, 3 month, 6 months, 1 year.... they all look the same:
That wraps up the odds & ends for now.
Monday, July 14, 2008
Quote of the Week 7/14/08
The Quote of the Week this time around is an oldie but goodie. Simply put,
"The trend is your friend."
Until the trend breaks, ride it. Once it breaks, get the hell out. And, Kevin's Market Blog has a great chart which illustrates exactly that point. What chart might it be? Oh that's right... crude oil.