What We're Reading ~ Analytical Links 5/14/14 ~ market folly

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

What We're Reading ~ Analytical Links 5/14/14

Dream Big: on the Brazilian Trio behind 3G Capital [Amazon]

On investment process [Dasan]

Predicting the present with Google Trends [Berkeley]

A look at Yahoo: a puzzle, a mystery and an enigma [Aswath Damodaran]

The unlikely ascent of Jack Ma, Alibaba's founder [NYTimes]

Recession-baby millennials shun stocks after US slump [Bloomberg]

Families are dining out a lot less [RestFinance]

The future of monetising television [TheGuardian]

What happens when the cable TV money dries up? [Sports on Earth]

Africa growth outlook [WEForum]

Macau jackpot turns to bust for stock investors amid rout [Bloomberg]

Murdoch's $14 billion TV plan sets up showdown with Malone [Bloomberg]

AT&T's deal strategy raises questions [Dealbook]

How dumb are fund investors? [WSJ]

Post Office says it lost $1.9 billion in quarter [NYTimes]

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