What We're Reading ~ 5/13/15 ~ market folly

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

What We're Reading ~ 5/13/15

An interesting look at investing in and doing business in China [Tim Clissold]

Michael Mauboussin on intuition and making better decisions [Farnam Street]

12 things learned about investing from Julian Robertson [25iq]

China oil imports surpass US [FT]

Debt builds in China stock rally [WSJ]

6 takeaways from the Berkshire Hathaway annual meeting [Clear Eyes Investing]

A history of bond market corrections [Wealth of Common Sense]

The billionaire banker ready to bet on oil [Forbes]

On behavioral economics [Economist]

Will Bill Ackman resurrect the ghost of Howard Hughes? [Forbes]

A study on self-driving cars and their impact [Columbia]

The dreaded bundle comes to internet TV [New Yorker]

Venture capital: a profile of Marc Andreessen [New Yorker]

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