What We're Reading ~ 7/2915 ~ market folly

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

What We're Reading ~ 7/2915

Charlie Munger: The Complete Investor [Tren Griffin]

Daniel Kahneman on eliminating overconfidence [Guardian]

The biggest gamble: can Macau beat the odds? [Bloomberg]

Roundtable on the virtues of capital allocation [Barrons]

The drop in commodity prices is destroying Canada's economy [BusinessInsider]

A look at Crossfit's business plan [Quartz]

How Beijing intervened to save China's stocks [Caixin]

Winning in industrial services [Bain]

Frenzy around Jet.com harks back to dot-com boom [WSJ]

A model for investing in enterprise IT [Lenny Pruss]

A quick look at Softbank [Investing Sidekick]

Amazon's Hollywood shopping cart secrets [Hollywood Reporter]

Why walking helps us think [New Yorker]

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