Hedge Fund Links ~ 9/23/16 ~ market folly

Friday, September 23, 2016

Hedge Fund Links ~ 9/23/16

SEC charges Leon Cooperman with insider trading [SEC]

Hedge fund performance fees: the days of 2/20 are over [ValueWalk]

Dan Loeb: BOJ move will be 'positive' for markets [Reuters]

More hedge fund firms seeing a decline in assets [PIonline]

Perry Capital's assets plunge as wagers backfire [Bloomberg] 

The beginning of the end for high hedge fund fees? [Institutional Investor]

Some of the best known hedge funds can't hang on to client capital [Bloomberg] 

Funds across globe cut fees in battle for investors [Reuters]

Mark Okada says surge in passive strategies will be boon [Reuters]

Star names struggle as smaller hedge funds make hay [WSJ]

The guru who only talks to the hedge fund elite [Bloomberg]

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