What We're Reading ~ 4/22/15 ~ market folly

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

What We're Reading ~ 4/22/15

The One Hour China Consumer Book [Jeffrey Towson]

A dozen things learned about investing from Lou Simpson [25iq]

3 misconceptions about risk management [Wealth of Common Sense]

15 principles of allocating capital [Beyond Proxy]

Google, Microsoft, stall points and growth [Paul Kedrosky]

Larry Fink's piece "Our Gambling Culture" [McKinsey]

Jeff Gundlach says market hasn't seen full impact of Fed moves [Bloomberg]

Chinese growth is losing altitude, will it be a soft or hard landing? [Economist]

The pricing paradox: when diamonds aren't on tap [Tim Harford]

A look at Sirius XM and the subscription media business [PunchCard]

A pitch on Viacom [BeyondProxy]

Predictions of M&A mania for content companies [Hollywood Reporter]

Time Warner, Viacom back away from Nielsen guarantees for ads [Variety]

The new era of low stock returns [WSJ]

The student loan problem is even worse than figures indicate [WSJ]

Car retailing grabs merger spotlight [WSJ]

Starwood Hotels giving activists reason to check in [Bloomberg]

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