What We're Reading ~ 7/20/11 ~ market folly

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

What We're Reading ~ 7/20/11

Black swan fund hedges against extreme events [Forbes]

John Paulson: behind the backlash [Fortune]

Backlash against Harbinger's LightSquared plan [Dealbreaker]

The perfect hedge for this crisis [Marketwatch]

Notes from John Paulson's latest conference call [BusinessInsider]

Bulls see consolidation, bears see market top [Market Anthropology]

Piece on Raj Rajaratnam & Galleon's insider trading [New Yorker]

Profile of Bridgewater's Ray Dalio [New Yorker]

On the changing dynamic between hedge funds & prime brokers [All About Alpha]

Short-sellers are betting against these stocks [WSJ]

Barron's mid-year roundtable [Barron's]

Start-up hedge funds turn to seeders [Dealbook]

On redemptions at FrontPoint Partners [WSJ]

Why Bruce Berkowitz doesn't want to be Carl Icahn [Investment News]

Cash doesn't lie [Forbes]

More to come? Tweets land broker in trouble [Dealbook]

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